// by Anastasival
I am sorry about it. – Я сожалею об этом.
I am sorry about it.
He is sorry about it.
She is sorry about it.
It is sorry about it.
We are sorry about it.
You are sorry about it.
They are sorry about it.
I am sorry for disturbing you yesterday in the evening. – Мне жаль, что я побеспокоил вас вчера вечером.
I am sorry for it.
He is sorry for it.
She is sorry for it.
It is sorry for it.
We are sorry for it.
You are sorry for it.
They are sorry for it.
I am sorry to tell this. – Мне жаль говорить это.
I am sorry to do it.
He is sorry to do it.
She is sorry to do it.
It is sorry to do it.
We are sorry to do it.
You are sorry to do it.
They are sorry to do it.
She feels sorry for him. He is in a difficult situation. – Ей жаль его. Он в сложной ситуации.
I am sorry for you. – Мне очень жаль (тебя).
I feel sorry for him.
He feels sorry for him.
She feels sorry for him.
It feels sorry for him.
We feel sorry for him.
You feel sorry for him.
They feel sorry for him.