Как готовиться к Speaking Part 1
B1 Preliminary (PET)
На первой части B1 Preliminary Speaking экзаменатор задаст несколько общих вопросов. Кандидат общается только с экзаменатором. Данная часть занимает 2-3 минуты.

Автор статьи
Преподаватель Анастасия Валяева
1. Как проходит Speaking Part 1
1.1. В самом начале экзаменатор скажет:
Good morning. Can I have your mark sheets, please?
1.2. Затем экзаменатор спросит имя каждого кандидата.
What’s your name?
Следует отвечать полным предложением.
Не правильно:
My name is Kate.
1.3. Экзаменатор спросит, от куда кандидаты.
Where do you live?
Не правильно:
I came from Moscow.
I live in Moscow.
1.4. Экзаменатор может спросить учится или работает кандидат.
Do you work or are you a student?
Иногда задаются дополнительные вопросы:
What job do you do?
What subject do you study?
Тут очень важно дать развернутый ответ и применять не только Present Simple, но другие грамматические времена например, Present Perfect Continuous, Future Simple.
Не очень хороший ответ:
I am a student.
I am a hotel manager.
Хороший ответ:
I’m a hotel manager. I’ve been working in this area for 5 years.
I study tourist management at university here in Kazan. I’m in my third year, so I’ll graduate in two years.
1.5. Затем, экзаменатор задаст несколько вопросов по общим темам. Список тем и вопросов приведен в низу статьи.
What did you do last night?
Tell us about your hometown.
Do you think you will live in the same place in the future?
Why (not)?
Очень важно добавить детали к ответам и стараться использовать более интересную лексику и разные грамматические времена.
Не очень хорошие ответы:
– On Saturday, I played football, and then on Sunday I went to the cinema with my friends.
– I live in Kazan. It has many good restaurants and interesting museums.
– I don’t know where I live in the future.
Используется basic vocabulary: good, interesting.
Хорошие ответы:
– On Saturday, I played football, which we do every week. On Sunday I went to the cinema with my friends. The film was about the far future with excellent special effects.
– I‘m from Kazan. It’s a great city to live because it has many excellent restaurants and fascinating museums.
– I think I’ll live in Moscow in the future. After I finish university, I want to move there and work in the hotel industry.
Не обязательно говорить только правду, можно выдумывать, чтобы показать возможности своего английского.
Если не понял вопрос, попросить повторить:
I’m sorry, could you repeat that please?
Can you say that again, please?
2. Советы для сдачи Speaking Part 1 B1 Preliminary (PET)
1. Давать полный ответ
2. Давать развернутый ответ на более сложные вопросы.
3. Использовать сокращения.
4. Использовать разные времена.
5. Заменять простые слова на более сложные выражения.
6. Не бояться переспросить, если не услышали вопрос четко.
3.Список вопросов на Speaking Part 1 B1 Preliminary
3.1. Имя
What is your name?
How do you spell that?
3.2. Место жительства
Where do you live?
Where are you from?
Tell us about your hometown.
Tell us about the area where you live.
Tell us about your home.
Do you think you will live in the same place in the future?
3.3. Семья и друзья
Tell us about your family.
Tell us about a good friend of yours.
How often do you meet friends and go out?
Are you fond of going to the cinema with friends?
Tell us about what you enjoy doing with your friends or family.
3.4. Английский язык
Do you like English?
Why do you like English?
How will English be useful to you in the future?
How long have you studied English?
Tell us about your English teacher.
Are you good at learning languages or do you find it hard?
Are you eager to improve your English at the moment?
Would you be interested in studying a degree in languages?
3.5. Школа
What’s your favourite subject?
What do you enjoy doing at school/at university?
Why do you like it?
Tell us about a normal day at school.
Tell us about one of your teachers.
What is your current English teacher like?
How did you travel to school today?
Did you use to like going to school as a child?
How did you use to get to school?
Are you planning on doing another course soon?
3.6. Работа
Which job would you hate to have and why?
Which job would you most like to do in the future?
Do you commute to work or do you live in the same city?
Are you planning on changing jobs in the future?
Do you have an interesting job or is it boring?
Do you ever cry about the things that you hate doing?
3.7. Увлечения и свободное время
What do you like doing after school?
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Where do you like to relax in your free time?
Do you normally spend your free time with friends or alone?
Are you a fan of studying languages in your spare time?
Tell us about a film you have enjoyed watching.
Are you fond of watching TV in your spare time?
Tell us about a book you have enjoyed reading.
Do you ever listen to music while you are relaxing?
3.8. Спорт
What is your favourite sport? Why?
Which sport do you like playing or watching?
Are you keen on doing sport to stay healthy in your free time?
Have you ever tried a dangerous sport?
When was the last time you played football?
3.9. Выходные
What do you like doing at the weekends?
What did you do last weekend?
What are you going to do this weekend?
3.10. Вчера
What did you do yesterday evening?
What did you do last night?
What will you do this evening?
3.11. Еда
What do you usually eat for breakfast?
Tell us about the food you enjoy eating.
3.12. Одежда
What kind of clothes do you like to wear?
3.13. Покупки
When was the last time you went shopping to buy clothes?
Are you going to go shopping this weekend or do you have better plans?
What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought?
Have you ever wasted a lot of money on something useless?
Do you usually spend a lot of money on food?
3.14. Каникулы/отпуск
Tell us about a country you would like to visit.
Tell us about where would you like to go on holiday. Why?
Where did you go on holiday last year?
Where are you planning on going on holiday next summer?
Which is your favourite city that you have visited?
Do you enjoy sightseeing when on holiday?
Would you like to try surfing in the future?
3.15. Загрязнение окружающей среды
Do you recycle plastic at home? Why (not)?
What are some types of pollution in your country?
What can we do to help prevent pollution in our country?
Name some ways that you can reduce pollution in this country?
What could you do to make this world a better and cleaner place to live in?
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