// by Anastasival
Глагол need может выступать как смысловой глагол и модальный глагол. В данной статье рассмотрим, когда need используется как смысловой глагол.
Слово need переводится как “нужно”, “необходимо”, “иметь потребность”, “нуждаться”, “требоваться”, “придется”.
She needs to go shopping. – Ей нужно пойти за покупками.
They need to do their homework. – Им нужно сделать домашнее задание.
В утверждении в настоящем времени, если подлежащее he, she, it, после глагола need ставится окончание s. В прошедшем времени к глаголу need приcоединяется окончание ed.
Настоящее время
I need to go home.
He needs to go home.
She needs to go home.
It needs to go home.
You need to go home.
We need to go home.
They need to go home.
Прошедшее время
I needed to go home.
He needed to go home.
She needed to go home.
It needed to go home.
You needed to go home.
We needed to go home.
They needed to go home.
Будущее время
I will need to go home.
She will need to go home.
He will need to go home.
It will need to go home.
You will need to go home.
We will need to go home.
They will need to go home.
В отрицании используются помощники:
don’t, doesn’t – настоящее время
didn’t – прошедшее время
won’t – будущее время
Настоящее время
I don’t need to work.
She doesn’t need to work.
He doesn’t need to work.
It doesn’t need to work.
You don’t need to work.
We don’t need to work.
They don’t need to work.
Прошедшее время
I didn’t need to work.
She didn’t need to work.
He didn’t need to work.
It didn’t need to work.
You didn’t need to work.
We didn’t need to work.
They didn’t need to work.
Будущее время
I won’t need to work.
She won’t need to work.
He won’t need to work.
It won’t need to work.
You won’t need to work.
We won’t need to work.
They won’t need to work.
В вопросах используются помощники:
do, does – настоящее время
did– прошедшее время
will – будущее время
Настоящее время
Do I need to read it?
Does she need to read it?
Does he need to read it?
Does it need to read it?
Do you need to read it?
Do we need to read it?
Do they need to read it?
Прошедшее время
Did I need to read it?
Did she need to read it?
Did he need to read it?
Did it need to read it?
Did you need to read it?
Did we need to read it?
Did they need to read it?
Будущее время
Will I need to read it?
Will she need to read it?
Will he need to read it?
Will it need to read it?
Will you need to read it?
Will we need to read it?
Will they need to read it?